Tuesday, September 21, 2021

My new albums

I just released a couple new albums! They're very cool and good and you should listen to them right now!! (Click the titles to go to my bandcamp)

Frantic Lore From the Puddle of Conscience

This one is an eclectic, experimental, often lo-fi loose concept album about gender and identity and the subconscious, but don't look too hard for a narrative thread or anything, it's really more of a jumping off point for the music and only slightly more obvious in the lyrics.  This album's pretty all over the place with elements of hypnagogic pop, HexD, psych rock, sound collage and more.  There are some vocal features and noises from friends at various points, too. There can be lots of layers of lofi-ness and lobit-ness to these songs, particularly the first six, for example the vocals I recorded to cassette on track 4 before bitcrushing, exporting as a low quality mp3, bitcrushing and mp3ing again so it's basically incomprehensible. 

Also the last track on here probably took me longer to complete than any other track I've ever recorded. I started in April and only finished it yesterday, so it took me probably 5 months in total on & off (for comparison, Neo-Geocitys Nitrogen Tank took me 5 weeks and that song is more than 24 times as long as this one.) 

I'm very happy with the way this album turned out and although it's certainly self indulgent and strange I think there's at least a little something for everyone on this album. 

"fuck dance, let's art"


Here's the sister album.  I made this one over the course of 5 days back in March for probably like 10 hours a day.  Structurally it's kind of like a DJ mix, it's a giant 50-minute series of dance mashups and stuff increasing in speed as it goes, until the end which is a lot more chaotic and which I made on a cassette.  Everything is bitcrushed, which I found is a useful way to make everything feel cohesive given there's samples from over 100 songs on here.  But like Frantic Lore, this is a very eclectic album, it's got everything from Strong Bad to Perfume to an entire krautrock section.  It's really fun and honestly I'm really really proud of the way it turned out.  I hope you enjoy it too!

"fuck art, let's dance"

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